Living with Covid - how will it work?
While many restrictions on our lives have been lifted we are very aware of the risk of transmission of Covid and other viruses during close contact services such as massage and soft tissue therapy.
The guidance received from my professional association - the Institutue for Sports and Remedial Massage (ISRM) is outlined below:
From February 24th 2022 in England, people will not be legally required to self-isolate if they test positive for COVID-19.
However, the Government advice is to stay at home if possible and avoid contact with other people. It is no longer required to take daily tests or be legally required to self-isolate following contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
The official public health advice will remain that people testing positive for the virus should stay at home. This includes both adults and children. Crucially, this guidance will not be enforced by law.
Before the appointment
Please ensure that you let me know if you or any member of your household has any symptoms of a cold or flu. If so, your appointment will be cancelled and rebooked. Normal cancellation fees will not apply.
Obviously if I have any symptoms I will cancel appointments until I am symptom free.
During the Appointment
Currently I do not wear, and do not require you to wear a face covering. However if you wish me to do so or wish to do so yourself please just let me know.